Old Timers parade to continue

Wendy Alexander/Madera Tribune File Photo
Madera Chamber of Commerce president/CEO and Old Timers Day Parade Grand Marshal Debi Bray is joined by her grandchildren Briar and Sawyer in a car driven by Shell Mensch during the 2018 parade. This year’s event is set for Saturday, Sept. 28.
The annual Old Timers Day Parade, that some thought might not be held this year because of the demise of the Kiwanis Club that had put it on for more than 15 years, will be held after all, marking its 88th year.
The parade will begin at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 28, at the corner of Yosemite Avenue and North Lake Street, and proceed west on Yosemite to Courthouse Park.
Following the parade, Madera Young Professionals will organize various vendor booths in Courthouse Park.
The Madera Sunrise Rotary Club decided to step up and help the parade continue, along with the Madera Downtown Association, which is funded by the business and property owners of downtown Madera. The Downtown Association, has agreed to cover all operational costs and has donated $2,000 to the non-profit organization that organizes the parade. The Old Timers Day Parade accounts for nearly half of the downtown association’s annual budget.
This will impact other various initiatives in which the association participates, such as crow abatement, the annual Christmas parade, seasonal lighting, and other projects.
Madera Sunrise Rotary and the Madera Downtown Association are seeking sponsors to help pay for the parade. Sponsorship packages will be available along with the Old Timers Day Parade application. All forms are available for pickup at the Madera Chamber of Commerce, 120 N. E. St., Madera, CA 93638 or electronically at http://maderadowntown.com.