Madera police cracks down on racing

For The Madera Tribune
Madera police towed this Ford F 250 truck from the scene of a drag racing incident on Howard Road on Wednesday afternoon.
The Madera Police Department has announced an increased enforcement effort targeting reckless drivers — those speeding, racing or otherwise endangering the public and other motorists.
Sgt. Nick Webster said the problem of speeding, drag racing and otherwise reckless driving is widespread in the entire city of Madera, but police have recently gotten numerous complaints during the day from residents and motorists in the area of Sunset Avenue, and Howard Road near Lion’s Town and Country Park, an area long known as a hang out for car clubs and racing.
Authorities say a conviction for reckless driving or street racing results in significant court fines and steep increases in auto insurance costs, and also points against the driver’s license.
“We have heard the public’s concerns about street racing and speed,” Webster said. “We will be out with extra patrols, at all hours looking for this illegal behavior until further notice. It’s not just a nuisance, it’s dangerous and it’s not going to be tolerated. We also need residents help with information about who is doing it and where it’s occurring.”
Webster encourages residents to report the license plates and or addresses of drivers that habitually speed through residential neighborhoods,or drive recklessly on city streets to the Madera police dispatch number at 675-4220. The line is answered 24/7.