Letters: Insult to our democratic system
I read a curious letter by John Bowers that was published in The Madera Tribune on September 4. It contained lots of innuendos, unsupported accusations, and quotations from speeches taken out of context by and about Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.
In the letter, the writer refers to Harris and Walz by tactless, insulting playground names which I will not repeat, but I guess are supposed to be funny. This takes a page out of presidential candidate Donald J. Trump’s playbook — using insulting playground names referring to people you don’t like.
I say playground because this is what immature children do to bully other children. If a teacher heard this, the child would be told to immediately stop this behavior. If this continued, the parents would be called for a conference, and the child would be taken to the office to be counseled by the principal and told that this type of activity is unacceptable, and it has to stop. If the child continued name calling and bullying, he or she could put on probation and/or be sent to an alternative school.