Iconic sign taken down
Corrie Valdez/The Madera Tribune
Philip Martinez, left, and Justin Dutra, owner of Prolite Signs, work on removing the Sno White sign so it can be restored.
The iconic Sno White sign was taken down on Thursday morning, to be restored to its original glory.
The current owner of the Sno White property has graciously donated the sign to the Madera County Historical Society. Justin Dutra of Prolite Signs out of Hanford was contracted to remove the sign. Since the removal is now completed, the old historical neon sign will be placed in the hands of Steve Bettencourt, who will refurbish the sign. Once the sign is completed, The Madera County Historical Society will loan it to the Madera District Fair to be displayed at the fairgrounds.
Terri Delaguerra and JJ Skeen contacted the Tribune about the sign removal.