Grocery Outlet is Rotary Business of the Year

For The Madera Tribune
Grocery Outlet employees, from left, Rick Martinez, Margie Rivera, Owner Sean Tharp, Miguel Hernandez and Madera Rotary Business of the Year Chair Brian Bolstad celebrate the store being awarded business of the year.
Madera’s Grocery Outlet, owned by Sean Tharp, is Madera Rotary Club’s 2020 Business of the Year.
This annual award is based on local businesses nominated for operating in a manner that best meets the Rotary International Four-Way Test: Of the things we think, say and do, is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
“Our Rotary committee was pleased to receive several nominations for businesses that deal honestly and fairly with customers and employees, provide excellent customer service, and provide benefit to the community through their outreach, donations, and participation,” Business of the Year chairman Brian Bolstad said, “Grocery Outlet met all of our ideals, particularly in light of the current pandemic.”
Rotarians presented the award to Tharp and his staff at the Grocery Outlet market, as well as during a Zoom club meeting.
“We are honored to have received this award and are so thankful to be a part of such a wonderful community,” Tharp said.