Sierra Mono Museum to hold dinner-drive today
NORTH FORK — The Sierra Mono Museum plans to hold a Membership Appreciation Dinner and Drive from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. today at Kennedy Hall in the North Fork School, 33087 Road 228.
The annual dinner-drive serves nearly 200 meals and features a traditional Thanksgiving-style lunch, raffle, auction, and cake walk. The museum’s plans to build a world-class museum facility will also be discussed. Tours of the museum will be available on a limited basis.
The museum recently received a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development grant of $605,000 to renovate and expand the museum’s structure. A Half Century Capital Campaign has been launched to raise an additional $250,000 for display/exhibit structures, collection curation and management, and educational outreach program development. The capital campaign will conclude with a charity golf tournament and Gala Dinner, and sponsorships are available.
All area residents are “cordially invited” this weekend’s fundraiser and become members, according to organizers.
The Sierra Mono Museum (SMM) was incorporated in 1966 as a nonprofit institution when it began assembling its collections. The museum acquired land for its facility in 1970 and opened in 1971.
For information, visit or call 877-2115.