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Sheriffs investigate robbery

Madera County Sheriff’s Office detectives are investigating the robbery of a convenience store in northern Madera, and hoping for help from the public.

“Someone certainly knows who committed this brazen act,” said Madera County Sheriff’s Cmdr. Tyson Pogue. “Or has some information to help solve the case.”

The robbery, which occurred the day after Thanksgiving at Madera Mini Mart, 16540 Road 26, happened around 8:30 p.m.

According to Pogue, the suspect, who appeared to be carrying a firearm, ordered the clerk to hand over all the money in the cash register.

The suspect reportedly threatened to shoot the clerk if he did not comply.

The incident was recorded on the store’s security camera, and the footage shows that the suspect’s hand, which was in a black bag, remained pointed at the clerk the whole time. It is unclear whether the suspect actually had a gun, or if the act was a ruse, but store owner Danny Singh said challenging it would not have been worth the risk.

“We don’t want to take a chance, anyways,” Singh said. “We gave him the money.”

“The clerk made the right choice to cooperate,” Pogue said. “There is no way to know what weapon he may have had, or what was going through their mind.”

The entire robbery took place in less than a minute. Singh has stated he left the store approximately 90 minutes before the incident, and no one else was there besides the suspect, the clerk, and another employee. According to Singh, the suspect made off with $247 from the register.

“He was supposed to have no more than $100 in the register, but you know, sometimes you get busy,” Singh said. “But he had more than he should have in the register.”

Surveillance footage shows that the suspect was dressed in a black hoodie and blue jeans, and wore a mask, and has been described as appearing to be a light-skinned male. So far, no arrests have been made.

Anyone with information on the robbery is encouraged to contact the Madera County Sheriff’s Office, 675-7770.


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