On Madera’s plate: Fresh food and stale politics
The Madera Tribune received the following comments online about its articles and local happenings.
Farmers market
Readers commented on a Tribune article about Valley Fresh Farmer’s Market behind Valley Children’s Hospital.
“Victoria Brewer” wrote, “Sarah Roche Standridge, you should have gone to the south lawn today.” She replied: “Oh, bummer. I missed it.”
“Alexis Aguilar” wrote, “I saw the signs when we were there but we didn’t check it out and we should have. Definitely will when we head back out there!”
Referring to the photo with the article, “Jolene Chase” wrote, “Look, our Dr. Phelps and family!”
“Elle Moore” wrote, “The strawberries though!”
Zoning hearing
“Kris Hamilton” expressed skepticism at news that Madera County supervisors intend to “clean up” its residential zoning ordinance.
She wrote, “How is this a ‘clean up’ for the short-term, vacation rental zoning stance, with board proposing the status quo? This zoning ‘clarification’ was given by the county last year, which led to litigation and a current Preliminary Injunction in a Madera County neighborhood. Bed and breakfast operators must apply for conditional use permits, currently. However, these whole house vacation rentals that sleep often 10-12-plus tourists do not. Tourists nor residents are protected in any way by this county position. An owner must live in the bed and breakfast. The owners are absentee with vacation rentals. Why not use current permit processes for these and earn more county revenue from permit fees? This problem does and will affect the Country Club and Ranchos area, as well as 41 growth areas of county.”
Calling campaign
A few readers offered last words on Chuck Doud’s Editor’s Corner essay on alleged telephone harassment of U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock’s office.
“Clair Davis Russell” wrote, “McClintock is under attack? What a joke! The American people are under attack by an administration that wants to take Health Care away from the American People, turn National Parks into money-grubbing oil wells and coal mines, take Social Security and Medicaid from the people who need it, start a war with N. Korea or anyone else who will take the bait, allow the rich to get richer with tax cuts, and on and on. When the government shifts back to central instead of the lopsided situation we have now, expect more of these attacks from ‘these bunches of idiot dems.’ You’ll be glad that we were there for your rights, too!”
“Bill Dettering” wrote, “People are mad, and scared. They are engaged. That’s why McClintock gets so many calls. If you’re worried about losing basic health care or are one of the 22 million people projected to get kicked off of your Medicaid, you should call, too. Candidates like Jessica Morse will be better representatives for our district over this guy.”
“Robert Jeffers” wrote, “Yawn. You did fine, Chuck.”
Rock hunt
Readers responded to a newly formed Madera club to paint, hide and hunt rocks.
“Geri St. Lucia” wrote, “My niece did this in Washington! It was fun to see all her finds on Facebook.”
“Jessica Coronado” wrote, “Thank you so much for helping us spread the word. I truly appreciate it.”
Honest driver
A reader found amusement in the honesty of Trinidad Bazante, who Madera police arrested Tuesday night after he drove into a parked vehicle. When asked why he crashed, Bazante allegedly told police, “Because I’m drunk.”
“Shirley Brugetti Brimager” commented, “I guess it’s good to always tell the truth! LOL”
Rants and raves
Rave — “Jr. Garza” commented on a Stallion wrestler who signed a letter of intent to attend Central College in Iowa. “Right on, Posas, we’re proud of you.”
Rave — “Jim Curry” praised Madera police for arresting occupants of a stolen car that collided with a water main July 7: “Good job, MPD.”
Rant — “Keri Stargaard” reacted to news of cattle deaths in the Valley during a recent heat wave. “Terrible! Should only be allowed to have as many as can be cared for. Just cruel! Eat kale!”