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Planning commission to meet on various issues

The City of Madera Planning Commission will meet in the Council Chambers of City Hall on Tuesday at 6 p.m.

According to the Commission, the first fifteen minutes of the meeting will focus on hearing the requests and announcements from the public.

Items for public hearing will include the consideration for modifying a conditional use permit for a Dollar General store on Gary Lane, for permission for a permit to open a church, and grantings and modification on permits for California Custom Processing, Thrive Martial Arts Studio, TEC Gymnastics, Emma’s Carniceria and Taqueria, Los Dos Amigos Restaurant, Mountain Mike’s Pizza, Camerana Health School-Based Clinic and Herbalife Fitness.

Planning commissioners also will discuss whether a public hearing should be scheduled at to determine whether the three Conditional Use Permits that allow the operation of Thrive Fitness at 1803 Sunset Ave. should be revoked. The business, also known as Fitness Evolution, has been the subject of complaints by neighbors over traffic, noise and alleged illegal behaviors in its parking lot across the street...

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