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Battle of the Books comes to Madera

Madera County’s elementary school students will battle it out during the first Madera County Battle of the Books.

This Saturday, students in grades 3-6 will answer questions based on a list of 20 books that each team was responsible to read. There will be separate 3rd-4th grade and 5th-6th grade competitions.

Students will compete in three events throughout the day — Friendly Family Feud, Relay Race, and Super Challenge — at the office of Madera County Superintendent of Schools, beginning at 8:30 a.m.

During the Friendly Family Feud, teams will work together to answer specific questions, one team at a time. If a team provides an incorrect answer, the opposing team will be able to steal and answer the question to earn points.

In the Relay Race, students will run to a proctor and answer a question one student at a time. Once one team attempts to answer all 24 questions the relay is done and scores will be tabulated.

The Super Challenge is a speed test. All teams will compete against each other at the same time. They will have a buzzer and the first team to buzz in will have an opportunity to answer the question first.

The answer to every question is the title of a book and includes a bonus question if the correct answer is provided. The bonus question is the author’s name.

Battle of the Books is a national competition designed to support students in their love and discovery of reading by introducing them to quality literature.

The inaugural event will see five teams battling for the championship title. James Monroe Elementary has two teams competing, North Fork Elementary has one team competing, and Rivergold Elementary has two teams competing.

“We are excited to offer a new competition for students in Madera County,” said Dr. Cecilia Massetti, Madera County Superintendent of Schools. “The events and the teamwork that the students display around their knowledge of the books they have read encourages student collaboration and promotes reading in a fun and engaging environment.”

The first-place teams will receive a team trophy and individual medals. Ribbons will be awarded for the first-place team in each event. An awards ceremony will be held at 11:45 a.m., immediately following the competitions.

The Madera Sunrise Rotary is a sponsor of the Madera County Battle of the Books.

“Our office thanks the Madera Sunrise Rotary Club for their generous sponsorship of this event,” said Massetti.


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