Suspect named in murder

Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune Madera Police Department Commander Gino Chiaramonte asks for the community’s help in locating a suspect at large, Anthony Barnett, 50, for the murder of Estevanico Goldsmith on Christmas.
Madera police are continuing their investigation of an apparent murder on Christmas day in the 1,000 block of Clinton Street.
Estevanico Ali Goldsmith, 45, was identified as the man shot and killed by an assailant who is still at large.
Goldsmith had taken two days off from his construction job in Northern California to be with his daughter in Madera for her birthday, which was to be celebrated on Christmas, according to friends, but Goldsmith was shot to death before that celebration could occur.
He left behind three children.
Friends said he was a deacon at Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, where he also played the drums.
They thought it unlikely he would be mixed up in anything that would result in his being shot.
However, investigators were told Goldsmith may have been involved in an argument before he was shot.
The case does not appear to be gang-related, said Madera Police Sgt. Mark Trukki.
The suspect being sought was identified at a press conference Thursday as Anthony Barnett, 50, who was arrested in 2008 on charges of spousal abuse. He was listed as being from Madera.
“Since the time of the shooting we have been actively pursuing leads in our investigation,” according to a news release from the Madera Police Department.
Anyone with information about the case is asked to call Madera Police Detective Brian Majors at 675-4237 or Crime Stoppers at 498-7867 (STOP). Callers can remain anonymous.