Readers chime in on marijuana, AgriLand and Trump
The Madera Tribune met the following comments online about articles and local happenings.
Readers continued to discuss the possibility of recreational and medical marijuana businesses in Madera. The city has decided not to allow such commerce locally.
“David Barr” wrote, “Bad idea.”
“Russ Ryan” wrote in part, “It’s going to happen throughout California, so it is my view that responsible regulations and enforcement is the best option. Plus there will be significant tax benefits to the city and all governmental entities the allow and properly regulate it.”
“Richard Torres” wrote, “Would not want it anywhere in town. Belongs way out in the country in the middle of nowhere.”
“Mike Unger” wrote, “Completely opposed!”
“Rachel Romero” wrote, “Cannabis is a great new medicine our town needs to acknowledge more proudly. Think of all the lives we can save by taking away medicines that destroy our delicate bodies and organs. Way less harmful then pills and useless lotions and ice packs.”
“Martinez Erick” wrote, “Against.”
“Roger Poythress” wrote, “I really appreciated Mayor Andy Medellin’s stance on pot in Madera. Just because our state voted to approve the recreational use of marijuana, it doesn’t mean legalizing recreational drugs is a benefit to our society. I also appreciate our mayor’s reminding those attending the meeting that our county voted not to approve Proposition 64.”
Madera County supervisors honored AgriLand Farming Company earlier this month for its community service and business leadership.
“Jan Perkins” wrote, “Congratulations to Jim Maxwell and Agriland. A class organization from the top down.”
“William B. Enns” wrote, “Yay for AgriLand!”
“Mike Unger” wrote, “Mr. Maxwell and AgriLand have supported the Madera Rescue Mission for many years. Thank you for your support, a well deserved moment of recognition.”
“James Pierce” wrote, “Jim Maxwell has run a terrific business and been a great supporter of his employees and the community for years. Any recognition is totally justified and deserved!”
Trump vs Jong-un
Not all agree with Chuck Doud’s column about President Trump’s words on North Korea before the United Nations.
“Joel Lanoie” wrote, “Trump’s juvenile name calling and third grade speaking level is what was embarrassing. Nobody wants a nuclear North Korea, however, how the president of the U.S. responds to threats (namely existential threats) matters. Am I supposed to think that Trump is taking the security of our nation and our allies seriously while he’s cracking immature, inappropriate, and frankly stupid jokes? Get it straight — Trump’s U.N. speech didn’t piss off liberals because he was fiercely defending the U.S. and its allies — the speech pissed off the left because it was an embarrassment to all Americans, and was certainly unbecoming of the president of the United States. It was the hostile rhetoric and juvenile name calling that pissed off liberals, and rightly so. Is there no respect for the office, or traditions, or presidential norms by Republicans anymore? Where did all of their spines go?”
Rants and raves
Rant — Madera County government shared photos online of Madera County supervisors riding on fire engines in the Old Timers Day parade. “Aminta Melendez” wrote, “Where are the pictures of the horses and the Mexicans and other floats. You make it seem like this is the only thing important.”
Rave — Madera Unified School District participated in a Special Olympics Unified Sports soccer game on Sept. 20, and will do so again 2:30 p.m. Sept. 27 in Memorial Stadium. “Sky Fierro” wrote, “This is so amazing! Everyone deserves a chance to feel what it’s like to be on a team and compete! But I thought they had a track team last year?”
Rave — Barbara and Ross Thornton were grand marshals for Old Timers Day last weekend. “Cindy Chidlaw Diaz” wrote, “Congratulations to you both. So happy for you.”
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