‘Day in the Country’ nearing

Courtesy of Alegria Guild Alegria Guild members, from left, Mickie Purl and Sheryl Berry, create centerpieces for Day in the Country, which will be Oct. 1.
More than a year of planning will be brought to light next week during a “Journey of the Gypsy” benefit luncheon by the Alegria Guild — its 65th annual Day in the Country.
The sold-out ladies luncheon will be held from10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 1 at Kashmir’s Vineyard, 10795 Road 26. All proceeds will benefit Valley Children’s Hospital and the guilds’ new $4 million pledge to the Guilds’ Heart Center Endowment, Child Life Endowment and Spiritual Care.
This year’s event is co-chaired by Lisa Salas and Rhonda Gonzales, who chose the theme and have been at work since. The luncheon will include a “legendary” bake sale, box raffle, silent auction, cash raffle, and an artisan faire featuring 26 different artisans from the San Joaquin Valley.
More than 560 women are expected to attend the gathering, which is at full capacity for the vineyard.
“The Day in the Country event is a long-standing tradition in Madera and something people look forward to attending every year,” said member Tasha Manfredi-Garlick. “This year’s event sold out in less than one week.”
In order to continue to expand its charitable work, Alegria Guild members hopes to grow the organization’s roster.
“The guilds do amazing work for Valley Children’s Hospital and the children in our Central Valley,” said Manfredi-Garlick. “In recent years, The Guilds of Valley Children’s Hospital have helped fund The Guilds’ Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Center, the heli-pad for Air George, and countless other needed items.”
Those interested in joining may contact at alegriaguild@yahoo.com or via Facebook at https://goo.gl/8dVoyc.