Tami Jo Nix
Opinion: Home isolation recommended
We reside in frightening times. It is Day 11 of the Covid 19 social distancing and self-quarantine period, hoping to minimize catching or...
Tom Elias
Opinion: Get ready for the biggest state budget crunch in 12 years
As of the end of last year, California’s budgetary rainy day fund amounted to about $20 billion. That sounds like a lot, and the last two...
Tom Elias
Opinion: ‘California Dream’ still not a nightmare
Upon hearing about his impeachment and the allegations that President Trump has told more than 15,000 documentable lies during his almost...
Tom Elias
Opinion: Solution to state’s housing crunch
So SB 50 is dead, most likely at least for the rest of this election year. How does California now solve its housing problems without...
Bill Coate
Madera County sought solvency right from the start
Madera County Historical Society More than a dozen watering holes, like the Peerless saloon shown here, at one time lined Yosemite...
For The Madera Tribune
Letter: Lingering questions about the Madera County Arts Council — and its former executive director
I’m not sure why people in our community continue to ask me questions about the outrageous conduct of the former executive director of...
Tom Elias
Opinion: What proper utility maintenance could have prevented
Back in the good old pre-2017 days when many Californians paid little or no attention to the approximately dollar-a-month maintenance...
Chuck Doud
Opinion: AOC kneecaps the Dems
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez kicked off 2020 by kneecapping her colleagues. The bartender-turned-congresswoman announced in early January...