Recall, consultant draw concern
The Madera Tribune received the following comments online about articles in the paper and local happenings. Locals begin effort to recall Medellin
Efforts to recall Madera Mayor Andy Medellin are moving forward, according to longtime resident Vickie Sloan. A core group of residents was working together, and very serious about the action, she said.
“Renee Benoit” wrote, “Recall is NOT imminent and I wish you wouldn’t say that, based on your desire and no facts. (Although I respect your right to say it). I would support recall IF I ever saw any solid facts about why it’s necessary.
“Have any of you ever sat on a Board of Directors or any kind of government? I have. It’s HARD to get things done quickly. Information (by law) has to be gathered, consensus built and that takes time. Shall we have a dictatorship? That’s a good way to get things done quickly.
“I think what we’re doing is the best thing we can do which is let’em know how we feel and don’t let up until we find a good solution that is measured and well-considered. In the meantime I would like to hear some actual facts — not hearsay.” Council hires Manfredi to consult
The Madera City Council voted Feb. 21 to hire Ron Manfredi of Madera to consult with interim City Administrator Steve Frazier and the Council about a review of the enterprise fund, a management compensation study and recruitment for a permanent city administrator.
“Michelle Garcia” wrote, “I’m sure he will do what the council and mayor want, such as hire the Interim Mr. Frazier and say the high salaries for management are sufficient. Ridiculous!”
“Johanna Torres Diaz” replied, “It’s embarrassing.”
“Madera Votes” wrote, “Let’s hope a fair and thorough review can lift the veil of how money is being utilized in Madera City Council. Get ready to speak up on these issues.”
“Renee Benoit” wrote, “This is a step in the right direction. Let’s support decisions like this.”
“Lester Burnham” wrote, “This selection demonstrates why the City Council is so bad in Madera. It is all about the buddy system and has zero to do with an impartial opinion.
“A cursory look at Mr. Manfredi’s public Facebook page shows he is fervently in favor of big government spending. He leans radically in favor of ever expanding government and higher taxes in every post he’s made for years relating to government. He is entrenched in local politics and as far left as anyone can imagine.
“For sport, he calls Republicans names, Trump voters names, and small-government people names. He is a rabid ideologue and far from an impartial counselor when it comes to government spending. But I suppose if you’re looking to justify exorbitant salaries, for just $25K in taxpayer dollars (it’s not the City Council’s money, after all), you’ve found your man.” Mammoth Orange honored
Madera County shared photos from their ongoing celebration of its 125th anniversary, detailing a short history of the Mammoth Orange roadside stand that once sat in Chowchilla (the stand was later relocated to Fairmead). Readers continued to pour in their appreciation.
“Louise Joses” wrote, “Went to the Chowchilla Mammoth Orange/Later, Fairmead, probably every couple of weeks, Dad loved their burgers and the orange drink.”
“Diana Welling” wrote, “I grew up with it just down the road from the farm. Summers we walked there in flip-flops. Icon of the valley.”
“Juan Carlos Rodriguez” wrote, “I miss the burgers and orange juice.” Sagging pants, and a push for change?
A proposed law in South Carolina is looking to fine and dish out community service to those who get caught with their pants below their waist — referring to saggy pants, KFSN News reported.
“Al Richmond” wrote, “This is BS. I don’t like saggy pants either but the more (you) complain the more they do. If (you) let this law stick it’s just a start to let the government in (your) homes.”
“Oscar Rivera Quezada” wrote, “About time. I’m tired of looking at saggers with cinnamon streaks on their chonies.”
“Cervantes Ivn” wrote, “About damn time.” Rants and raves
Rave — Yosemite National Park recently released photos of coyotes roaming through the area, encouraging visitors to keep the animals wild by making loud noises and scaring them off to help reduce human-coyote conflict during the summer, keeping coyotes from becoming habituated to being near people. “Lenny Barnes” wrote, “Madera Coyotes!”
Rant — A tax bill passed by Congress late last year included money for grants as part of the New Markets Tax Credit Program to generate more jobs in the Central Valley, according to KFSN News. “Octavio Gaona Jr.” wrote, “What good is it for the valley when (companies) from outta state get the jobs …?”
Rave — Alan Chow, the hiker missing in Yosemite National Park since Tuesday, Feb. 20, was found safe Feb 23, sierranewsonline reported. “Jim Curry” wrote, “Great news!”
Rave — Madera Coyotes Football released photos from a flag football championship between Lincoln and Alpha schools. “Cathy Smith” wrote, “Yay Chayden!”
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