For The Madera Tribune
Christmas Day murder suspect sentenced to life
On Christmas Day 2016, defendant Pablo Falcon threatened a father and teen son with a rifle. He then chased them with his car and shot at...

Bill Coate
Madera Unified invests in ‘student champion’ program
For The Madera Tribune Madera Unified School District Superintendent Todd Lile. In August, Madera Unified began the school year with a...

For The Madera Tribune
California’s Decathletes visit Madera for Lecture Day
For The Madera Tribune Madera South Team: Ashley Banuelos, Justin Caballero, Angelica Cervantes, Josselyn Chavez, David Contreras,...

For The Madera Tribune
Sheriffs office hosts awards ceremony
Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune Madera County Sheriff Tyson Pogue presents a Life Saving Medal to Reserve Deputy Jack Williamson...

Bill Coate
Judge had dueling pistols ready
For The Madera Tribune The Borden Depot, located near what is now Hwy. 99 and Avenue 12. It was on this site in 1874 that Judge R.L....

Tami Jo Nix
Cattlemen celebrate fall with awards
For The Madera Tribune Cattleman of the Year Ben Elgorria. Our local Cattlemen and Cowboys provide backyard barbecues with the meat that...
The Madera Tribune
America wars, specifics (part 1)
Veterans’ Voices is directed toward veterans and their families who have given so much to ensure our freedom in this country. This is an...
Tami Jo Nix
Opinion: Planning for Thanxgiving
The elections are over for another cycle, and I will not miss the campaign advertisements clogging up the television airwaves. Some of...