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Picking peppers

Chuck Falzone/Wikimedia Commons 

Italian sausages pair well with many kinds of fresh peppers.


Well, yes, I have picked peppers out in a field, as well as tomatoes, but these days I pick my peppers at the grocery store or farmers market. Any time I have tried to grow my own, the peppers look like they should be in a vegetable freak show. Somewhere along the line, I must have been cursed when it comes to home gardening.

Don’t even tell me your problems of having so much zucchini you don’t know what to do with it. I have tried so many things that the law of averages would indicate I would have found some level of success at least once. I do have a green thumb when it comes to my herb garden, but that’s about it.

You will notice I do not write a gardening column, for good reason. Today, I’d like to share recipes that use different kinds of peppers.


1 comentário

Eloise Lowe
Eloise Lowe
29 de ago.

If you prefer a sweeter or spicier taste, allow the peppers to ripen fully on the plant until they turn their mature color, typically red, orange, or yellow. geometry dash

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