Our community really does love the Tribune
Last week I wrote a column about my love for my “Tribune family,” and their love for this community as well as for The Madera Tribune.
I must say that I was amazed at the number of our readers who commented about their own love for The Madera Tribune, and specifically how we have continued this newspaper, in spite of the obvious struggles of newspapers and small businesses. Our readers are happy to see so much of our community activities on the cover, and inside each edition. It is music to my ears to hear support from our readers.
This newspaper has been around since the 1800’s, serving the community with local news, legal notices, obituaries, school and neighborhood activities, feature stories, classified advertising, and display advertising. We promote small businesses, and appreciate the reciprocal support from both small and large businesses, as well as the subscribers who enjoy our publications.
While it is true that we are here to serve our community, we are also a small business, with costs and a need for revenue. We try to keep our subscription costs low (and it is very low — compared to other newspapers), but postage keeps rising, and so do the costs to publish. Yet, not one of us at the Tribune is willing to let go.
My intent today is not to throw out a plug for money, but to let our readers know how much we love this community, and how grateful we are for compliments and support. We love to hear positive comments about what we are doing. We sometimes hear criticism, and that’s all right, too. It means someone is thinking about how we can improve, hopefully with the resources we have.
Just keep loving us, and let us know you care. For as long as we are The Madera Tribune, we will serve our community of Madera.
— My love to all,
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“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”
— Hebrews 6:10