MCSO promotes to assistant sheriff
The Madera County Sheriff’s Office announced the hiring of Brian Esteves as the Assistant Sheriff.
Assistant Sheriff Esteves comes from the Madera Police Department, where he was ranked as lieutenant. Esteves has a combined 21 years of law enforcement experience. He began his career at the Chowchilla Police Department in 2001, and joined the Madera Police Department in 2007.
Throughout his career, he has been assigned to numerous positions and been a member of a variety of specialty teams, including Field Training Officer, Defensive Tactics Instructor, Investigations, and Patrol Sergeant. Esteves worked six years on the Madera County Narcotic Enforcement Team and 10 years on the Madera County Regional S.W.A.T Team, where he has served as the Assistant Team Leader.
Esteves holds a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice Management and is in his final semester at the University of San Diego for a Master’s Degree in Law Enforcement and Public Safety Leadership. He is a graduate of California POST Command College and the California Chiefs of Police Executive Leadership Institute.
Brian has been married to his wife, Carrie, for 16 years and they have two children. Brian is excited to join the Sheriff’s Office where his father served for 28 years as a Patrol Deputy and a Detective.
“We are looking forward to the extensive experience Assistant Sheriff Esteves will bring to the Madera County Sheriff’s Jail Division,” Sheriff Tyson Pogue said. “His well established leadership and professionalism will be a great asset to our department, and will help facilitate a smooth transition as he assumes his new position.”