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Got leftover ham?

Kobako, Wikimedia Commons

If you have leftover ham to deal with, try making some ham and cheese calzones.


A lot of folks make a tradition out of fixing a ham dinner for Easter. As for myself, Easter dinner was a big platter of fried, butterflied shrimp. I have never had shrimp for Easter before, but maybe it will become a new tradition.

While on the subject of ham, I recently saw the biggest whole hams I have ever seen, at the grocery store. I was not even able to pick one up. If I had, it would have taken up an entire full-size shopping cart. I am not sure how it would fit in a normal household oven or roasting rack. I’ll bet there were lots of leftovers from dinners that featured those.

If you have any leftover ham and need some recipes to use it up, here are a few. Hope you are all enjoying Spring time and drying out from all that rain.


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