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Don’t hide it from the cat

Cats are really funny creatures. I have said it before, and I will say it again. There’s nothing funnier than a cat. If you are not a cat owner, you are missing out on a lot of great entertainment. 

I was never a great lover of cats before I became the property of cats. Be not mistaken, no person owns a cat. They own us. Don’t forget it.

My husband has a real obsession for the feline breed. He never gets tired of catering to their every wish, cleaning cat boxes, feeding them, opening and closing doors for them, and even scolding them when he knows they are doing something that I don’t like. (But, of course, it is loving scolding.) He talks to them and answers them as if they literally said something to him. We all talk to our pets, but apparently, he must actually hear them talk to him.



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