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Beware of PG&E phone scams

Have you received a call from someone identifying themselves as PG&E, and requesting payment to avoid termination of service?

This call may be a scam. Please review this information from PG&E to help stay alert and remain vigilant in protecting your personal information.

Beware of scams that show PG&E on the caller ID 1-800-743-5000 or falsely claim to represent PG&E.

Some of the fraudulent calls have included:

• Customers are given a phone number and instructed to buy a pre-paid card for an overdue bill, then call back w/ the card number.

• Telling customers they owe past-due balances or are eligible for a federal tax refund

• Trying to sell a service such as a solar evaluation

• Claiming to represent a PG&E initiative so they can sell a product or gain entrance to your home

Be aware that scammers can disguise their true phone numbers or simply claim to be from PG&E. PG&E is not making these calls.

If you have doubts about an incoming call from PG&E, hang up and call the PG&E Customer Service number: 1-833-500-SCAM (1-833-500-7226).

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