79 mph in a 35 zone; car confiscated by police

For The Madera Tribune A late model Corvette is loaded onto a tow truck after officers pursued and detained its driver, Samuel Granado, for speeding.
Samuel R. Granado arrested for speeding
A 30 year-old man was cited and found to be in violation of unrelated probation terms after he was caught by police recklessly speeding in a friend’s late model Chevy Corvette on Wednesday.
Sgt. Mark Trukki said Samuel Reynaldo Granado of Madera was seen and recorded on radar by officers driving the borrowed white corvette 79 mph in a 35 mph zone within the city limits.
Officers caught up with Granado as he entered State Route 99. They towed and impounded the sports car. Arrest records show a prior DUI arrest for Granado, and also an arrest for driving without a valid driver’s license, among other charges.
With the recent grant funding from the office of NTSB, traffic officers are out conducting additional enforcement efforts looking for violations that are common causes of traffic collisions. Those violations include speeding, unsafe turns, failing to yield the right of way, and using a cell phone while driving.
Officers said they would like to remind everyone to slow down, use caution while driving and always remember to prioritize your safety and the safety of others.