Letter: Has experience in saving the planet
Being reared in San Jose, I spent much time traveling through the Santa Cruz mountains as a boy, going to my grandfather’s summer residence near Boulder Creek.
In the summer of 1985 there was a huge fire, called “The Lexington Fire,” that consumed 14,000 acres and destroyed 42 homes and buildings in those mountains.
During the next summer the staff at my dad’s hospital had a “Seedling Planting Party” in the area of the fire and we planted thousands of trees that summer along with other folks.
Check out where that fire was today. That was 34 years ago!
What people CAN DO with the global warming issue is action vice talk.
Chuck Doud’s article on tree planting is a good start in a direction I have “primary source” experience in.
— Dow Ransom, III
Madera Method