Letter: Complaint against system of justice
This is a complaint against the judicial system of Madera County. On June 26, 2016, my son, Michael Sanchez, was killed by a couple of young men who shot him in the back. My son only had three days of coming to visit relatives, he did not have friends in the city, nor did he know anyone.
But due to bad luck he found these delinquents. The delinquents are Andrew Chavez and Adam Diaz, who have long histories of crime on their records.
May 23, 2019, was the last court hearing. They were given a sentence as if they had stolen a car, when it was coldblooded murder.
As the mother of the victim, I am very hurt, because the judge has favored crime.
The prosecutors, David Petersen, Sally Moreno, and Angela Hills, and Judge Blea in charge of the cases, did not do their jobs, and should not have their job titles.
This is my feeling, and I publish my complaint, and keep moving forward.
— Raquel Sanchez,
Los Banos