Student nabbed for writing threat on restroom wall
A Madera High School student was arrested Tuesday after he allegedly wrote a threat on the wall of the high school bathroom. Police are not releasing his name. The 16-year-old will remain in custody in juvenile hall until he sees a judge.
Lt. Dan Foss of The Madera Police Department said the threat was apparently written on the wall on Monday. The wording is not being released but he characterized it as one of generic violence.
“Many times our students do not understand the ramifications simple comments can cause, or the danger and fear they create in a community,” said Foss. “The Madera Police Department will treat every threat, implied or otherwise, as serious and will seek prosecution against the perpetrator. If you are aware of anyone thinking of making threats or comments that can be perceived as a threat, please notify us immediately so we can get in front of this, prior to it becoming a major issue. And parents, please speak with your kids and inform them of the weight and consequences their words or actions can carry.” he said.
Foss said these comments would now have serious consequences for the boy, whom officers identified the next day after working with school resource officers and staff. The student reportedly claimed the threat was written only as a prank or joke, and he intended no actual violence.
In a separate statement The Madera Police Department said the number of threats of violence at local schools was rising and any threats would not be taken lightly.
Anyone with information on implied, verbal or written threats at schools should contact the Madera Police Department immediately at 675-4220. The police dispatch line is answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.