Opinion: April showers refreshing and restorative
Once again, the rain has scrubbed the air in Madera clean and it smells wonderful. The EPA’s Air Quality Index is at 46, according to its website map. The air is rated good, represented by the color green, which blankets the map of California.
Spring charity events are calendared with lunches on weekdays and dinner on weekends.
The Evening Lions Club has its music-themed “Dancing Through the Decades,” 5:30 to 11 p.m. on Saturday. Being staged at Peters Brothers Nursery the dance music of the 1920s through the 1990s will fill the air of the Social Hall and Mary’s Garden.
A New York steak or chicken entre from Johnnie’s Barbecue highlights what promises to be one of the best-catered dinners available according to Kevin Peters, Lions Club president club.
“Proceeds will benefit local veterans returning from tours of duty in the Middle East,” said Peters.
A portion of the profits will fund the youth services, too, including the Leo Club a high-school-aged Lions Club.
Guests are asked to wear black and white attire (like human newsprint) and to bring their dancing shoes.
Mary’s Garden, 1187 South Granada Avenue, is a tribute to the Peters Brothers’ mother, Mary Peters. Call 673-7117 for ticket availability. Hope to see you there!
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The first day of Spring came March 21 and its resulting effects are brilliant colored wildflowers thanks to the abundant rainfall this season.
The flip side of these beauties finds allergy sufferers relying on decongestants and antihistamines to treat hay fever. This time of year tissues are consumed by the boxful as the allergic reaction to pollens and mold creates the rhinitis with red swollen eyes and postnasal drip
The Weather Channel informs us that by Saturday the scattered showers will have blown out. The planet alignments are set to cooperate as in the heavens, Mercury has ceased being in retrograde recently.
This is also the first Yard Sale Saturday of Spring. I am joining friends at 700 Williams Avenue as we declutter our homes and earn a little pin money. I have excess red Birkenstocks and purses looking for new homes. Come by and visit while you are out-and-about.
Many people with those proverbial green thumbs are preparing the ground, putting in their summer vegetable gardens. I am not one of these people.
I tried to grow cherry tomatoes in a redwood planter in my back yard in Parkwood. It went badly and between the potting soil, tomato plants and spray to keep the bugs away, the hand-full of tomatoes I grew cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $43 a pound.
I know there are people who grow and eat a wide variety of veggies, canning and freezing the excess that can’t be consumed while fresh. My problem is part economical and part energy consumption. Gardeners put in all the backbreaking work seen as a labor of love. A spiritual connection with the earth, sun and soil makes the work enjoyable and worthwhile.
By the time the master gardeners harvest their crop, the local vegetable stands are selling the same things at bargain prices. Even people living in big cities, urban and industrial areas can purchase very recently picked produce. They will pay more than those living closer to the source.
Enjoy the rare spring weather because before we know it, the triple-digit temperatures will be back.
Long days and pleasant nights, have a great weekend.
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Readers may contact Tami Jo Nix by emailing tamijonix@gmail.com or following @TamiJoNix on Twitter.