Madera, 100 years ago

Madera County Historical Society One hundred years ago, Roy Stafford was seen lying on the ground enjoying a Sunday afternoon with some friends near Sugar Pine. Within a short time, he died in a flu epidemic.
From the pages of the Madera Mercury. February 1918
YOUNG GIRL RUN OVER BY AUTO — Little Mildred White, the 10-year-old daughter of Mrs. Fred King, miraculously escaped having both legs broken between the knees and the hips last Saturday afternoon about 4 o’clock when she was run over by an automobile being driven by Miss Lyda Mugler. The little girl and her sister had been in the Golden Rule Store and came hurrying across to the bank corner where her mother stood waiting for them. Miss Mugler was driving up D Street, and she saw the children and blew her horn several times. The youngest child got out of the way, but Mildred did not. Miss Mugler endeavored to stop the car but was unable to do so before striking the child. The little girl was knocked down, and both wheels of the machine passed over her legs. The child was picked up and taken to Dr. Dow Ransom where an examination was made for broken bones, but none was discovered. The child’s limbs were badly bruised, but the injuries were not serious.
SUNDAY RABBIT DRIVE NETS 3,600 — One of the most successful rabbit drives that has yet been held in this county took place Sunday west of Berenda where 3,600 rabbits were rounded up and put out of existence. A big crowd attended the drive, and everybody had a good time. The committee regrets very much that some of those attending were persistent in using guns. It had been requested that only clubs be used. A big shoot and drive is scheduled for tomorrow west of Fairmead to which everyone is invited. Shotguns may be used at this drive, but no rifles. The two miles of fence given by the supervisors has arrived, and a force of men is putting it up today. To help the drive and make it safe, it is requested that everyone carefully obey the captains and stop shooting when they think it no longer safe.
TEACHERS CALLED FOR SATURDAY WORK — The local exemption board today sent out notices drafting fifty Madera County teachers into the service of the board for next Saturday beginning at 9 o’clock at the Courthouse. The work to be done at this time is filling out of the cards from the questionnaires, which work was started several weeks ago. Additional blank cards did not arrive until last week when a sufficient supply was received to complete the indexing of all of the questionnaires. Teachers to be called Saturday for carding questionnaires: Madera High School, 11; Madera Grammar School, 24; Alpha, 2; Arcola, 1; Berenda, 1; Eastin, 1; Howard, 2; La Vina, 2; Ripperdan, 1; Service, 1; Sweetflower, 1; Trigo, 1; Webster, 1; Sharon, 1; Dairyland, 2; Marysdale, 1.
FATHER AND SON RECOVERING FROM POISONING — F.J. Mackey and his son, Charles, recently poisoned by one of the worst and most fatal forms of ptomaine have been pronounced as recovering by Dr. L. St. John Hely. It was not until today that it was practically assured that the last two victims of the poison would recover. They have been gaining for several days, but the attending physician was hardly positive in his own mind that no relapse would occur. Today it was stated that Mr. Mackey is a well man as far as can be determined, and were it not for the fact that he is weak on account of lack of nourishment, he would be able to walk up and down the street as well as any man. Every organ in his body is now performing its regular function, and he is able to eat and swallow as well as one never afflicted with the poison. His speech is also normal. The son is also recovering rapidly. He is able to swallow water and a little broth.
LOCAL BOYS AND GIRLS DO ‘BIT’ — The local grammar schools, which are a unit of the Red Cross, have just completed a large number of articles that are to be shipped away tomorrow for the boys at the front and at the training camps. The articles were all prepared by girls of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades while the boxes in which the packages will be shipped were prepared by the boys of the 7th and 8th grades. The boys of the 8th grade are also building seven adjustable bed rests while the boys of the 7th are diligently working on a number of pairs of crutches. The following is the list of things that have been prepared. The following is a list of things that have been prepared by the girls: 75 hot water bottle covers; 10 Belgian baby squares (knitted); 6 squares for comforts (knitted); 2 wash cloths (knitted); 7 knitted mop cloths; 1 pair knitted wristlets; 1 knitted sweater.
BAN IS PLACED ON “CHICKEN” HORSE SALE — Hugh J. Baldwin, president of the State Humane Society, is spending several weeks in this city for the purpose of looking into the old horse traffic and making arrests for cruelty to animals. Old horses have been shipped from here to the green bone mills. Baldwin was at the railroad depot today when four carloads of horses were taken off the cars. Some of the horses were lying dead in the cars and others just breathing. Most of the animals were too weak to stand. Baldwin swore to warrants charging the shippers with cruelty to animals. C. Knudsen was arrested today and fined $25. Other arrests are to follow.
YOU CAN’T FOOL UNCLE SAMMIE — “Don’t try to creep out of paying your income tax — somebody will tell on you.” This slogan is being used by the government in all addresses in connection with the new war revenue act. Tax officials say, “It is nothing more than a squared deal that everybody should contribute to the settlement of the expenses, the pay of the soldiers and sailors, the policing of every Navy yard, the wages of employees of the government, building ships, buying coal, etc. This is the first income law to affect many of the smaller salaried and wage-earning people. Every single person must pay an income tax. If you are a single person and earn $1,000 a year, you must report it but you pay only on the amount in excess of $1,000. The married person living with his wife or husband, as the case may be, pays on the excess of $2,000 income. Uncle Sam is very alert. He has arranged for your employer, the company or man or woman you work for to let him know if you receive enough money to be called upon to pay part of this Great War tax. And if you do not pay, the government will make you pay a fine and perhaps send you to prison too.
PHIL CONLEY WIRES HE IS SAFE — There is little doubt in the mind of Judge W.M. Conley but what his son, Lieutenant Philip Conley, was on board the ill-fated Tucania when it was torpedoed. It was not until this morning that Judge Conley’s mind was set at ease regarding his son. Shortly past 8 o’clock this morning he received a telegram which read: “Conley safe.” The dispatch was not dated and no designation was given from which the telegram might have been sent. It was noted on the dispatch that it had passed the censor. It was glad news to Judge Conley, and he immediately communicated with Mrs. Conley who had a presentiment that her son was on the ship that went down. Lieutenant Conley left New York about nineteen days ago and probably went to Halifax, where he remained for several days before sailing. A few days ago, Judge Conley received a letter from him written while on board the ship, the name of which he could not give out. His friends and relatives now anxiously await further news concerning his rescue and his physical condition.