Mykel Mull
Mykel Mull is 10-years-old in Dixieland 4-H and was selected the 2015-2016 Madera County Outstanding 1st Year Member.
Mykel has five projects in 4-H: dairy cattle, dairy goats, meat goats, pygmy goats and vet science. She loves her animals a lot. She also enjoys community service and has helped with many causes throughout the year.
Mykel, a fifth grader at Alview- Dairyland Elementary is in her third year of 4-H. She is an honor roll student. Mykel is the daughter of Royce and Randi Mull of Chowchilla.
Mykel is very active in a lot of events. She has exhibited her projects at the Merced County Spring, Fair, Chowchilla Fair, Madera District Fair and will exhibit at The Big Fresno Fair and the Jr Grand National at Cow Palace.
Some of her achievements from this year Madera Fair include first place Advanced Pygmy Showmanship, Grand Champion Pygmy Doe, Reserve Champion Pygmy Doe, Outstanding Pygmy Goat Exhibitor, Reserve Champion All Other Breeds Dairy Goat, first place Dairy Goat Junior Showmanship, first place Boer Goat Junior Showmanship, first place Dairy Cattle Junior Showmanship and third place in Small Animal Round Robin.
Her biggest project is dairy goat. Mykel spends a couple hours a day feeding and working on her animals. Dairy goats are milking goats so she is also milking them twice a day and she says this is a lot of work. She has been raising and breeding her own goats for the past three years.
Mykel also enjoys helping others, she has collected money for Relay for Life, attended to H.O.W. events, has sold tickets and helped fundraise for many causes. Mykel is the 2016-2017 reporter for Dixieland 4-H. She cannot wait to help the club and other members to become active in 4-H.