Jim Glynn
Opinion: Does language influence behavior?
Language is logical, or at least it used to be. In elementary school, I was taught that a pronoun is a word that refers to a participant...
Jim Glynn
Opinion: The future of work, part II
When I was a kid growing up in New York, my grandfather and I would get on the subway in Brooklyn and get off at the 34th Street station...
Jim Glynn
Opinion: COVID booster shots possible in fall
We are witnessing the fourth surge of COVID-19 cases since the disease was first detected at the end of 2019. According to the Los...
Tom Elias
Opinion: How vaccinations became a political football
It began with a press conference at the White House in early February 2020. The President took the podium and announced the coronavirus...
Jim Glynn
Opinion: Another crazy California law
Based on some of my past columns, some people may think that I’ve been hostile to or just sarcastic about our state lawmakers and the...
Jim Glynn
Opinion: State to eliminate ‘white’ math
True or False: There is at least one subject in our schools’ curriculum that cannot be taught from a racist perspective, and that subject...
Tyler Takeda
Madera finally enters Orange Tier
Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune Tommy Molina of Perko’s Cafe Grill takes the order of Connie Miller who is a regular patron of the...
Jim Glynn
Opinion: Asian diversity, contributions in U.S.
In light of the recent violence against Asian Americans, it seems important to point out that there is great diversity among this huge...