Scholarship opportunity for medical students available
If you are a Primary Care Resident or Intern in a Primary Care Residency, San Joaquin Valley Medical Scholarship Foundation is taking applications for scholarships to pay for Residents’ 4-year debt of Medical School Tuition, up to $55,000 per year.
This opportunity is available to residents of Madera County, and other counties in the California Central San Joaquin Valley. On Friday, July 29, SJVMSF will be awarding the first scholarship of $55,000 for every year of Medical School, totaling $220,000.
San Joaquin Valley Medical Scholarship Foundation was created in 2019, with the goal of paying full tuition for 20 medical students, so they can become Primary Care Doctors. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization, as defined by the Internal Revenue Service.
To read more about this scholarship opportunity, visit The eligibility requirements and the steps to apply are clearly described on the site. Just click “How to apply.”