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Rescue Mission fundraiser sold out

The Madera Rescue Mission’s biggest fundraiser of the year is sold out.

The Rescue Mission will host its annual banquet at Hatfield Hall on Thursday, however, according to Executive Director, the event is sold out.

“We have all the tables sold out,” he said. “We are going to highlight the partnerships that we have with some of the agencies we have with some of the donors in Madera. We want to show them what their donations and gifts have done in helping people recover from addiction.”

Chavez sold out their allotted 32 tables of eight. However, it is a decrease from the 50 tables they have done in the past.

“But, because of the economy, there were businesses and individuals that didn’t purchase this year,” he said.

During the banquet, he emphasizes what the Madera Rescue Mission does for its people and how they try to help those who are struggling.

“Their money is going towards the mission’s staff helping men, women and women with children that are struggling,” Chavez said. “We’re here to help them get back on their feet. We teach them Biblical principles in life. We also have a Connections Ministry that helps them connect with agencies in Madera — CAPMC, Behavioral Health, Department of Social Services, Probation, most of the local churches. We partner with those agencies and more. We want to let them know they are important.”

Chavez points to the Mission’s motto, which is basically, “Loving and caring for people God’s way.”

“We want the community to be aware of what we are doing,” he said. “We are serving people that are homeless and are in need. with partners, we can achieve this together.”

Any questions or to donate, call the Madera Rescue Mission at 675-8321.

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