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Opinion: Counting Xmas blessings

It’s that magical time of year. Twinkling lights abound, and Xmas icons festively light up the town.

This year is incredibly stressful, with no one to share the holidays with. I’m told the first year is the hardest.

Membership in this widows’ club is a group I never wanted to be a part of.

I could proclaim my hate for being in this state, but hate has no room in my heart during this Xmas season.

The best I can do is welcome new members to this awful club, a list that gets longer every day.

The support of my Madera Tribune family makes this time of year less lonely. I am truly grateful for their love and friendship.

Sending Xmas cards and buying gifts are my festive way to celebrate the season.

I gave my lawn guy a Xmas card and he said it was the first one he received in five years. I guess greetings on social media have replaced holiday cards by snail mail.

Life moves on, and so many songs bring memories of times gone by.

“Why do the birds keep on singing? Don’t they know it’s the end of the world, it ended when you said goodbye.”

Enough! My pity party is over, at least for today!

I will count my blessings when times are sad because my life could be so much worse.

I am thankful to Fred for pinching every penny, hoping I would have enough to keep me comfortable now that he is gone.

I have a home in a safe area, lights, heating, food to eat and clothes to wear. A car that starts whenever I turn the key. Thanx to you, Dear Lord, for all these things and my friends and family who brighten up my days.

Thanx, you, God, for the baby Jesus and Jesus the man who died to save us from our sins. I am grateful for this every day.

While I miss my husband, thanx to him, I am well cared for.

When Xmas rolls around, I will be of good cheer no matter how hard it is. I will not envy people who have it better, and I will not despair for the things I’ve lost.

I will continue to enjoy doing a job that still delights me. I want to live by the moral of Charles Dicken’s Christmas Carol and keep the spirit of Xmas alive in my heart all the year through.

And in the words of the immortal Tiny Tim Cratchit:

“God Bless us, Everyone!”

Long days, and blessed nights. Have a good weekend.

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Readers may get in touch with Tami Jo Nix by emailing or following @TamiJoNix on Twitter.



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