MUSD announces phased re-opening dates
Madera Unified School District has announced a phased reopening of their elementary schools and has updated their planned reopening schedule to account for enrollment, properly assign teachers, and develop transportation schedules. All of this is to ensure all safety measures are followed when students return to in-person instruction.
On February 19, Madera Unified sent out a parent survey to determine how many parents prefer in-person instruction and how many parents want distance learning. This data enabled the district administration to develop a reopening schedule that meets all students’ needs across the district.
Re-opening schedule
If the parents chose in-person learning on their survey, their child would be on campus for approximately three hours a day. The planned reopening schedule is listed as follows:
• TK-1 to return on the week of 3-22-21
• Grades 2-3 to return on 3-25-21
• Spring Break scheduled for 3-29-21 to 4-5-21
• Grades 4-6 to return on the week of 4-6-21
Each school will provide parents with key information regarding the following items:
• 2020-2021 Return to School Safety Plan
• Transportation, pick up and drop off locations, etc.
• Daily schedule for their child
The distance learning daily schedule and in-person instruction daily schedule for Madera Unified Students will be determined by the school site based on the number of students who selected each option and how many students each classroom can accommodate while maintaining physical distancing of six feet. Each school site will communicate directly with parents to inform them of the specific schedule for their child.