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Letters: Thank you, Madera GOP

The recent “Back to School” luncheon, held at the Madera Municipal Golf Course, was organized by the Madera GOP, with table supporters Congressmen Tom McClintock and John Duarte, County Supervisors Dave Rogers and Robert Poythress, Gomes Pistachio Farms, Barbara Thomasson, Michael and Dawn Wells, John and Jannai Pero, Gina Wallace and others.

Thank you, sponsors, for your vision and generous support to enlighten us by presenting this program, a non-partisan effort to give us hope and resources to fulfill our obligation, and desire, to foster the attributes our children need to succeed in life; be self-sufficient with education instilled with family values and patriotism.

The program featured messages from Moms for America® founder Kimberly Fletcher, Mamalita founder Denise Aguilar and others. We learned of the efforts and success of these groups to initiate a movement that will save our children from government indoctrination and, instead, into educated, spirit-blessed, with love for their country, self-supporting adults with much to offer future generations.

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