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Letters: Madera Community Hospital and the facts, please

My sons were born at Madera Community Hospital (MCH). My wife was well treated there. My mother was caringly comforted by MCH staff during the last week of her life. I’m grateful for all that. I, on the other hand, avoid hospitals by vigorously thinking of exercising and drinking alcohol as needed.

I’ve read each of the local stories and letters published about the closing and possible reopening of MCH. I see the closing of the hospital as an opportunity for a newly focused medical facility tailored to our community’s medical needs and ability to pay. But I don’t know what that means. I need expert advice. Facts devoid of emotion. No sweeping rationalizations. No useless political finger-pointing. Just the facts.

I’m concerned about investing millions of taxpayer dollars into the existing structure and management without having a reasonable understanding about MCH’s recent past and near future. What really happened? What’s the go-forward plan?


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