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If cats have 9 lives

Last week, The Madera Tribune received a news release about a new low-cost Spay/Neuter Clinic in Madera. This was good news for the Simpson household, because we love animals, but the overpopulation of stray cats and dogs is a great concern to us.

I hope this new non-profit organization will be a success and that it will get the funding needed to continue this great work. If you would like to contribute to this organization, which is a 501(c)(3) for tax contribution purposes, and you missed the article about it in last Saturday’s paper, just email me at, and I will give you all the information.

I’ve written a few times before about the Simpson cats and the varying personalities within the walls of the Simpson house. Anyone who has cats knows how entertaining they can be. I have said many times, “There is nothing funnier than a cat.” If you watch “Funniest Home Videos,” you will always see at least a couple of cat videos each episode.


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