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Coyote girls rout Guardians

Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune

Madera senior Hannah Ceballos looks for the open player during Wednesday’s match. Ceballos scored two goals in the Sr. Night match.


In honor of its two seniors, the Madera Coyotes girls water polo team easily dispatched the Justin Garza Guardians on Senior Night at the McAlister Swim Complex.

Hanna Ceballos and Ellie Vermason were honored before Wednesday’s match with the Guardians, and both contributed in the win. Ceballos scored a pair of goals while Vermason added another in a 16-5 win Wednesday evening.

Lani Resendez led the Coyotes with five goals while Emily Wattenbarger had three. Six other players scored for the Coyotes, including goalie Giselle Jimenez.


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