Congressman hosts town hall
Courtesy of Alan Baraldi
The Veterans Town Hall panel, held at VFW Post 1981 on August 14, was arranged by Congressman John Duarte and his staff. Speakers from the panel, seated from left, Karla Seijas from UC Merced, Jordan Esquivel of La Familia Central Valley, George Retana of Veterans in Action, Chris Watts of Veterans Advisory Committee, Congressman John Duarte, Stephan Lohmeyer of Modesto Junior College Veteran Services, Tawasky Carter of Veterans Benefits Administration-Oakland Office, and Kimberly Dickerson.
Congressman John Duarte hosted a Veterans Town Hall and Press Conference at the VFW Post 1981.
The entire August 14 meeting was directed toward veterans, their need for benefits, and some of the issues veterans face in civilian life. There was much information on specific programs to help veterans.
The meeting began with a welcome greeting from Sam Samra, District Director for Duarte’s office, followed by a morning prayer by Commander of VFW Post 1981, Frank Pajarillo.
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