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City hosts redistricting workshop

The City of Madera hosted its first redistricting workshop at the John W. Wells Youth Center. The City’s consulting demographer conducted a presentation on how the redistricting process works and walked attendees through the process of designing their own proposed district maps utilizing an online mapping tool and paper mapping kits during the workshop on Dec. 4.

What is Redistricting and why do we do it?

Redistricting is the process of redrawing voting district lines in accordance with population shifts. Every 10 years, districts must be redrawn so that each district is substantially equal in population. This process is necessary in order to ensure that each city council member represents roughly the same amount of people.

Residents of the city may get involved and help shape the future of city council voting districts by drawing their own custom maps. The city has partnered with Dave’s Redistricting tool to provide an online mapping experience allowing residents to redraw and submit their own proposed district maps for consideration by the city council.

Next year, finalized updated maps reflecting refined boundaries will be brought before council for adoption.

The City will host a second community workshop on Jan. 16, from 1-3:30 p.m. at the Pan-Am Community Center. Community members are invited to attend the workshop and share their input on how district boundaries for council members should be redrawn. Spanish translation services will be available.

For additional information, visit or contact or Alicia Gonzales, City Clerk, at 661-5405.

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