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Assemblywoman launches ‘Operation Gobble’

Courtesy of Lynda Schafhauser

California Assemblywoman Esmeralda Soria speaks at Operation Gobble, a turkey and food giveaway event, on Monday in the Parksdale community. She helped give away 250 Thanksgiving meals to families.


Assemblywoman Esmeralda Soria hosted Operation Gobble, a Thanksgiving turkey and food giveaway, for 250 families in the Parksdale community in southeast Madera.

Monday’s event was in partnership with Madera County Food Bank and Latinos Madera Club. Madera County Supervisor Leticia Gonzalez, Madera Mayor Santos Garcia, and Madera County Food Bank CEO Ryan McWherter were on-site to help with the distribution.

Families were given a turkey, a meal box, and local and state resources. Turkeys were funded through charitable donations.

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