90-year-old makes birthday jump
For The Madera Tribune
Grace (Tova) Jorgensen soars in the air with her skydive instructor, Ross Vail, during her 90th birthday skydive jump.
When Grace (Tova) Jorgensen was asked by her daughter, Lori Howard, what she wanted to do for her 90th birthday, Tova thought about it and said, “Well, I think I will skydive.”
So, on Sunday, Tova turned 90 years old. She went to Skydance Skydiving in Davis, California, and took a dive from the sky with her skydive instructor, Ross Vail.
Jorgensen was born and raised in Madera, and was baptized at St. Joachim’s Catholic Church. She moved to San Francisco when she got married right after high school.