Opinion: Take care of yourself — you may be the only one who will
The following good advice came in an email from a friend, Kathie Rossi, of the Claremont neighborhood shelterers in place. May their tribe increase.
Isolation Well-Being
• Shower
• Take your meds every day, on schedule
• Drink Water
• Clean one thing or space daily
• Tend something growing or living
Be mindfully present to...
• A sound or song
• A sensory feeling
• Something you see
• A spiritual practice
• Reach out to a human outside your home
• Do one thing to get your heart rate up
• Do one thing you’ll be glad you did later
• Do one thing just because you want to
• Get in at least one good laugh
• Look for something positive in every day, even if some days you have to look a little harder
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One thing that will cheer most of us up will be the Madera Tribune’s annual Pride Edition, scheduled to come out next Wednesday, April 29. It will be 32 pages of stories, photos and advertising about our city. A city, I might add, in which we have much pride.
The Pride will be part of your regular paper, but if you want an extra copy of Pride, we will have additional copies at our office at 2591 Mitchell Court, Suite 107.
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If you are wondering whether you have the coronavirus, which causes COVID-19, the disease most of us are trying to avoid right now, you now can find out in less than an hour, thanks to some new testing facilities that, according to hospital CEO Karen Paolinelli, put coronavirus testing at MCH in the forefront of identifying the illness if a patient is carrying it, and being able to relieve the anxiety associated with COVID-19 if it is not present.
Good job, Madera Community Hospital, which may have saved the lives of a lot of us.
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The newspaper Epoch Times, in its most current issue, ran a series on “How the Chinese Communist Party Endangered the World,” telling about how the Chinese coverup of information about the virus led to the global pandemic we are experiencing now.
The Chinese regime underreported the seriousness of the coronavirus to its own people, and to the rest of the world, to downplay the dangers that would be posed by the Wuhan virus. The world is now paying a high price for the duplicity of the Red Chinese.