Letter: Joy of a good road in south county
We went to Toca Madera Winery last Sunday afternoon for a birthday celebration. Wonderful day. Good weather, good singer. We even arrived on a good road, Avenue 9.
I have written about this before. Avenue 9 is a Fresno thoroughfare. As are 12 and 7. Why does all our road money go to Fresno roads? Avenue 9 was re-done not too long ago. Was it a bad job? Or is it all that traffic going to and from Fresno? Traffic on the three mentioned avenues compares with the 99 highway!
We do need impact fees for Madera workers living in Fresno. After all, it ‘s our taxes fixing their roads. What ‘s with that subdivision on 12 and 41? Every time we go to Fresno the road has been cut again and patched back. Why didn‘t they put all the crossings in to begin with? Bad planning?
Seen that before. Does anyone else ask why we pay such a grand price for our government management? Not gettin‘ what we pay for.
— Bill Hoffrage,