New 4-H reporter introduces self
Hi my name is Jake O’Neill and I am the new 4-H reporter for the Coarsegold 4-H Club. I am looking forward to all of the fun activities like skeet shooting, and raising a goat.
4-H is a group of people who love animals, and the outdoors. I joined 4-H because I thought it was a place were I could learn how to take care of an animal, but I realized it was much more than that. 4-H is a group where you can meet new people, have opportunities that wouldn’t just pop out of nowhere. There are jobs like the reporter, president, vice president, and much more.
The 4-H club needs more members to be leaders for the activities. We need a new arts and crafts director, (I am hoping my mom will take the position).
My family has a history with 4-H so I am continuing the tradition. I will be informing the public on a monthly basis on anything new with 4-H.