Opinion: Get ready to rock to more live music
The Skydogs/For The Madera Tribune
Ready to rock The Skydogs, from left: Joey Arriloa, Debi Montanari Valorosi, Gary Roseen and David Boyle will play Saturday, 9 to 11 p.m. at The Vineyard Restaurant, 605 S. I Street in Madera.
On Saturday night the band The Sky Dogs makes a return engagement 9 to 11 p.m. at The Vineyard Restaurant, 605 S. I Street in Madera. The members of this local band are David Boyle, Gary Roseen, Debi Montanari Valorosi and Joey Arriola.
“We are all products of the Madera High School music department,” said Boyle.
These musicians have their experiences at MHS to thank for their musical success. They studied under the legendary bandleader Allan Harkins, choir mistress Lois Worthington, music teachers Mike Henshall, Gary Stelting and Ty West, Boyle said.
It is good to have live music venues in Madera again.
A phrase like “Back in the Day,” always makes the person saying it sound silly. That being said, back in the day, the 1970s, Friday and Saturday nights were the time to party. At that time, there were at least three local watering holes that had live music Friday and Saturday nights.
Before I met my husband, I was a part of the 20-somethings running the streets and having fun.
The cowboy crowd had Skeeko’s, which played host to bands that were mostly country and southern rock and roll. It was also a ringside seat for some great fistfights. When a cowgirl danced a little, too close to a man, not her boyfriend there was apt to be a fight in the parking lot after last call or earlier.
Another place to go and dance was the “T-Room.” The name was shortened from the Tangerine Room when it was part of the Parkwood Bowling Alley. When the bowling alley had a period of inactivity the T-Room moved into Bethard Square between Thrifty and a laundromat. Rowdy patrons could dance the night away and a crowd just barely old enough to buy a legal drink came out to enjoy what passed for nightlife in Madera.
Saving the best for last, Lucca’s Italian Restaurant had bands on the weekend. too. Lucca’s was THE place to dine and dance. Many a prom and Christmas Ball began with dinner at Lucca’s.
Skeeko’s is the only one of these establishments to have survived until the year 2019, although it has rebranded as Casey’s Bar and Grill.
For many years, couples that wanted to dance or get silly and sing Karaoke had to go to Fresno.
That has changed with the introduction of music nights at area wineries. These fun events bring musicians to the casual atmosphere of wine tasting. Places like San Joaquin Winery and ApCal have become favored destinations for informal evenings out.
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I had a nice experience on Saturday. I was meeting with clients for a Notary at Cedar Creek. As we were proceeding up the hall to a conference room, a nice lady recognized me from the photo that runs with this column.
“Are you …?” she asked, and I replied, “Yes I am…”
She then proceeded to tell me how much she enjoyed the Tribune, Bill Coate, Chuck Doud, Nancy Simpson and how much she misses Leon Emo. I thanked her and told her how much we appreciate all our readers.
I walked out of there with a pep in my step and feeling that our work here is appreciated.
Later that afternoon at a barbecue, I had another woman tell me how much she hated the newspaper and how she would never, ever read us.
Win some, lose some. Long days and pleasant nights, have a great weekend.
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Readers may contact Tami Jo Nix by emailing tamijonix@gmail.com or following @TamiJoNix on Twitter.