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Opinion: These idiots must think we’re as idiotic as they are

Ed Markey, the Democrat junior senator from Massachusetts, is an idiot. He keeps sending emails to California people he calls his “team,” claiming he can save the planet. He also is a Trump hater, who wants to do all he can to stop the president from building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico to keep uninvited visitors out of the country.

And, he is snuggling up to New York Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, another idiot, who has come up with something she calls the Green New Deal. She plans to cut fossil fuel use. But naturally, she plans to continue using fossil fuels herself in her own cars and in the airplanes she uses to fly here and there making speeches.

The reason Markey is soliciting money from Californians is that he probably heard California is wall-to-wall Democrats. But they are not wall-to-wall idiots, because Democrats in California drive on highways, and fly in airplanes, and run air-conditioners, and aren’t about to stop.

Markey is a bit like that other idiot, the former governor of Ohio, John Kasich, a Republican, who just can’t get over the fact that Trump beat him in the 2016 Republican race. Kasich has spent at least two years emailing Republicans and others in California, begging for money, so he can take on Trump in 2020.

However, California Republicans aren’t idiots who would send money to Kasich, because they probably want to keep a Republican in the White House, since that’s likely the only chance they will have for influence, because just about all the other state big shots from the governor on down are Democrats.

Watch out for Markey and Kasich. They just want to pick your pockets instead of getting actual jobs.

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Congratulations to those who worked hard to put on the International Women’s Day celebration in Madera. Many people had the opportunity to hear speakers and enjoy music and other entertainment, and be reminded of the important role of women in our lives and in society.

I lost Mrs. Doud, who died in December of last year, and she was never at a loss to remind me that women should have a part in every facet of life. She was a feminist before feminism was a part of our politics and our lives, but she always forgave my inclination to be a male, bless her heart. She believed in a “Balance for the Better,” the gender-balanced world which was the theme of International Women’s Day this year.

And bless the hearts of all women in Madera, without whom the town would be a poorer, duller place.

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If you have not been to the Circle Gallery lately, you are missing a local treat. Rochelle Noblett and her staff, along with the board of directors, have turned the gallery into more than just a storefront to hang a few paintings. It is an excellent gallery space now with plenty of room for exhibits, and also room for events, such as the International Women’s Day unveiling last Friday of the beautiful mural that now hangs on the outside north wall of the gallery, a creation of the inmates of the Valley Women’s Prison and others back in the 1990s.

It is a beautiful mural, and it has been well displayed. The citizens should be proud of it.

The gallery is definitely turning into a “must see” place for residents and visitors alike.

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