Reader questions DA candidate’s endorsers
Sally Orme Moreno, in one of her mail-outs, shows six people endorsing her. First is Madera County Sheriff Jay Varney. Second is former Madera County Sheriff John Anderson. I’ve already written about him in my last letter. And third is former Madera County Sheriff Ed Bates. Now there is a real piece of work.
In late 1973, or early 1974, during the gasoline shortages, Bates asked the supervisors for more money for gas, and they turned him down. So, like a good little spoiled brat, he went on television and invited all the crooks to come to Madera, because he couldn’t stop them. Now, there is a sheriff that only certain people would be proud to be endorsed by!
By the way, if Sally Moreno should win the district attorney election, I hope she finally moves to Madera!
And last are three peace officers association (union) members endorsing her. When you have half your backers belonging to a union, you have to know you’re in trouble.
Next, I have a mail-out I received from Rob Poythress. It’s headlined, “Who is the real conservative?” I can tell you who the real conservative is. It’s Johnny Tacherra. Early on in the campaign, Johnny said that if elected, he would drain the swamp. The RINOS — Republicans in name only — in Sacramento are still shaking over that remark. You have the real conservative in Johnny Tacherra.
I must commend Johnny for running a clean, low-profile campaign. You haven’t seen Johnny sling mud like his opponent. After the election, win, lose or draw, Johnny will be able to sleep at night. Congratulations, Johnny, my vote is for you.
— Sam Pistoresi,