Letter: Husband of late Virginia Lee Rose expresses thanks

Wendy Alexander/The Madera Tribune
The students of Virginia Lee Rose Elementary School gather during a ribbon-cutting ceremony.
A great big thanks to all who participated in the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Virginia Lee Rose Elementary School on Sept. 27, the date of her birth.
First, thank you, Madera Unified School District Superintendent Todd Lile, board president Al Galvez, and the Madera Unified School District Board of Trustees.
Thank you, Lisa Fernandez, principal of the Virginia Lee Rose Elementary School, as well, all the teachers, instructors, and staff of the school.
Thank you, David Hernandez, director of community services, and parent resources center. Thank you, Gloria Garcia, administrative assistant, family and community services.
Thank you, Maxine Barnett, president of the South West Garden Club, and members, for the roses you planted at the school.
Thank you, John Hancock, commander of the American Legion Post 11, for supporting the name Virginia Lee Rose, at the beginning of the process.
Thank you, Henry Arredondo, commander of the Veterans Of Foreign Wars Post 1981, for providing the honor guard and the posting of the colors at the ribbon cutting ceremony.
God bless all of you, and God bless America.
— John Rose, Madera