Letter: No ice cream social this August
Due to numerous issues, the board of the Madera County Historical Society has decided not to host the annual Ice Cream Social, which was scheduled for the first Sunday in August. The social has been one of the main Historical Society functions over the last 20 years. But as all things evolve and change, so must the activities that we pursue as a board.
We are discussing the possibility of doing a smaller type event in conjunction with another activity in the spring of 2018.
We have enjoyed the participation of all the members who have attended in the past and all the support we have received from the Nishimoto family, Warnock Family, Johnson Family, Camp Fire Members, Leo Club members and Historical Society member bakers and board. We thank you all for your dedicated support over the years. It has been greatly appreciated.
We look forward to a spring event and will have more details after the first of the year. Thank you all again for your part in the past ice cream socials.
— Sheryl Berry, Madera County Historical Society, Board of Directors